Are you planning to expand your product range? Our printed and electronic titles are special thanks to the unique data that we have been developing for years. We have published over 800 printed titles of our own, in total for over 50 languages.

Customized Titles Prepared at Your Request

Dictionaries, Phrase Books, “Speaktionaries” more

Application Development

Electronic versions of any data you wish to publish; attractive Graphical User Interface; on-line & off-line, mobile & desktop. more

Book Supplements

Dictionaries, basic phrase books for travel guides etc. more

Dictionary Portal for 35 Languages

Reliable and up-to-date dictionaries for 35 languages; fast and intelligent search, tool for significant income from advertisement. more

Machine Translation

High quality translation using artificial intelligence and neural networks; can be adapted to a specific domain and integrated directly into web applications, information systems and DMS. more